Silcare Breathe Cushion Liner

Activity Level 3 (4)

Optimal control of a prosthetic limb depends on a comfortable and secure connection between limb and socket. Modern liner technology provides excellent cushioning, but the impermeable and insulating materials can allow a build-up of heat and moisture so they begin to slip and chafe. Air, perspiration and unnecessary movement can cause a loss of connection, compromised stability and damage to residual skin, potentially affecting mobility, safety and independence.

The patented technology of Silcare Breathe works by letting the air and perspiration that are often trapped between the liner and skin to escape through specially designed laser drilled perforations.  The air and moisture are then expelled from the socket as the wearer walks, resulting in drier skin and a healthier environment for the residual limb.  This helps to increase comfort and control, and reduce the damaging effects of relative motion on damp tissues that is often encountered with standard prosthetic liners.

Key Benefits

Silcare Breathe Cushion Liner Video

Silcare Breathe Technology

The body cools by moving blood flow closer to the surface of the skin, and when this is not sufficient the body produces sweat to increase cooling by evaporation.

The need to regulate body temperature is greater for amputees, and a lack of temperature regulation can have severe negative effects.

Benefits of breathable liner technology

The Silcare Breathe range has been designed to tackle these issues. Laser drilled perforations transmit moisture away from the skin to ensure a comfortable, cool and secure fit for the user.

  • Reduced relative movement between stump and liner
  • Enhanced proprioception
  • Enhanced comfort
  • Drier, cooler, healthier skin

1 Seymour,R. Prosthetics and Orthotics: Lower Limb and Spinal. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins 2002,
2 Hagberg K, Brånemark R. Consequences of non-vascular trans-femoral amputation: a survey of quality of life, prosthetic use and problems. Prosthetics and Orthotics International. 2001; 25(3):186-94.
3 Peery JT, Ledoux WR, Klute GK. Residual-limb skin temperature in transtibial sockets. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development. 2005; 42(2):147-54.

Silcare Breathe Cushion Liner Technical Data

Amputation Level:


Activity Level:


Sizes Available:

22, 23.5, 25, 26.5, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40