Ben’s Momentum Story

Case Studies

Ben’s Momentum Story

Ben was on tour in Afghanistan several years ago when he sustained a serious ankle injury. After multiple surgeries and considerable pain, Ben is now up and running again with a new Momentum brace from Blatchford.

A partial detonation of an improvised explosive device, in October 2011, shattered Ben’s calcaneus. Over the next few years he underwent several operations, initially to pin his heel together and then to fuse his sub-talar joint. He also had several Cortisone injections to ease the pain. Despite this, Ben’s mobility was severely restricted and even using a walking stick he was unable to walk further than a mile without excruciating pain.

In 2014, the Momentum brace was recommended to Ben by Nicole Bennett, Lead Orthotist at DMRC Headley Court. The Momentum brace works by off-loading the injured ankle to greatly reduce pain or discomfort. It also features carbon fibre struts, similar to prosthetic running blades, which return energy at push off for extra propulsion to allow Ben to run – something he never thought would be possible again.

Since wearing the brace for daily activities and sports, Ben has noticed a vast improvement in his mobility and can now run two to three miles at a time. He’s no longer worried about distance and has a more natural gait and longer stride. Paired with his insoles, Ben’s brace enables him to live an active life without worrying about pain.

Ben commented:
«Before wearing the Momentum brace I couldn’t walk for long without agonising pain. Now I can walk, run and live without worrying about pain and distance. I feel more confident and I have a spring in my step!»

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